Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Granny Be asked for a Sunday Update but it is Tuesday.


I have a cramp in my foot. My non-broken foot. But I don't know if my foot is still broken... I have had very minimal pain in that foot since Sunday... Saturday night actually...

What does a Sunday Update look like? I have no idea. But this is a Tuesday Update anway...

We had a Biblestudy Brunch on Saturday morning... The last Biblestudy thing for 2006... We had bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes (maple flavoured, plain and blueberry flavoured... All out of a bottle :D) and fresh fruit which was sooo yummy. And there was also bread to me made into toast for those that could be bothered. And juice too. And maison and apple cider stuff. Cos apparently you can't have a brunch without having champagne, or imitation champagne.

Sunday morning at Sunday School (I am teaching Sunday School @ WWBC this term... It is almost over) we decorated "Schmoo's"... They would be gloves filled with flour turned upside down... And then we stuck ears on them... The Bible story was the Golden Calf and how the Israelites didn't listen to Moses, who was a messenger from God. But we should listen to the messengers that God has given us (teachers, parents, preachers etc)... On the back of the Schmoo's we wrote "Give me an ear to hear"... The kids enjoyed putting texta all over the gloves...

Sunday night was the last UniChurch of 2006... It was rather sad to be saying goodbye to graduating students... Especially in November... It is weird saying Merry Christmas in November too... We didn't really say that too much... Christmas cards will go out in the next couple of weeks I suppose...

Um... What else?? I have no idea.

That looks good enough for a Tuesday Update. Hope you are all doing well...

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