Friday, April 29, 2005

I like Fridays now!

Fridays are fantastic. Want to know why? (Even if you don't I am going to tell you anyway...) Not only is it the end of the working week, and the night that CrossOver is on, but now, wait for it... Friday = Pay Day!!! Fantastic!! (I got paid today... Can you guess I'm just a little happy??)

Anyway... Today was the last day that Corine was at work, and that meant that I had to take in as much information as possible... We had to chase up some public liability and workers comp insurance certificates, and I have to enter some of them into my computer at work on Monday, and I also have to finish the (now) current (will be last month's) accounts on Monday too, and I have to collect rent from Hayden in one of the warehouses, AND I also have to answer to Michelle from the site foreman. Busy day on Monday!! AND I also have to meet my other boss, Scott (he has been away all week, and Chris has been in and out of the office...)

This weekend? I really don't know! CrossOver tonight, who knows on Saturday (any ideas anyone) and Churches on Sunday... And then back to work on Monday (Corine told me that I had to turn up on Monday, cos they would be lost without me...)

Anyway... I have a feeling that I was meant to do the narration for Mission Spot for tonight, and I have to be there in about... an hour... Hmm... Better go!

Hope you all had as great a Friday as what I did, and I shall see/talk to you all shortly.

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