Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Monday 18th of whatever month it is

Good day!

Today was a good day actually...

I found out the word of the week tonight too (on a Monday that it was released rather than the following Sunday :-O !!!)... You'll have to take a waltz over to Sam's WOTW blog (the link is over there ---->) to check it out... Now just to work it into conversation... (Beware CrossOver leaders... I'll be attempting it tomorrow night...) (oo! And Sam's WOTW blog now has free-for-all comments, so make sure you leave a comment like what he has requested, and I am sure that it would be the longer the better [Sam has a lot of freetime on his hands...] so put your thinking caps on and think of something intelligent [or not so intelligent] and type away... [feel free to also comment on my blog too people!!])

I don't think there is a whole lot else to say really... I am super-tired, which is actually rather good... And I have a headache, which is not so good, but still brings on sleep, so is good...

Nighty night!!

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