Saturday, April 02, 2005

Saturday... (What a title hey?!)

Well today is Saturday. To point out the obvious.

I woke up early today!! I was up (and awake) at 9.25! (Then I went back to bed for an hour...) But still! I was up and awake! AND I stayed awake for the entire day! (after that anyway)... So now I am tired and I might actually sleep tonight!!

Um.. So as you would know if you have been reading, today was Dad's birthday. The Healey's and the Winkler's came over for afternoon tea, and then we went and visited the Bragg's after dinner...

I changed my room around. It is now clean! :O!! And there is stuff on not one, but TWO bookcases (full to overflowing) and Mum and I swapped drawers, so now I can actually move in my room (at the moment I can anyway)...

Um.. I don't know that I have a whole lot more to say... I could say something that it really thought-provoking and intelligent, but that would also mean two things: a - I would actually have to be intelligent to think of something intelligent to say; and b - I would have to continue with this thought-provoking and intelligent thing in the future... Ha! Like that's going to happen.

I just thought of something that I can do. Words of the day! (Ha! Sam if you ever see this, I am doing days! Not weeks!! That's an extra SIX words per week! That could mean a whole lot more redskins!Not that you need more redskins... But redskins are good anyway! Who really needs an excuse for a redskin?)... Or maybe it will end up being word of the weekend or something... Dunno...

Today's word is: Photo-frame.

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