Saturday, July 30, 2005
I am readying a Family Circle from November 1993... I am sooo glad that fashions and recipe tastes have changed since I was in year 1. At the time of this magazine being published, it was fashionable to eat pate, even if you hate it (which I do...). It was good to bake stale jatz/water crackers "to give them a new lease of life" (as you do...). Everything was "authentic" with the whole gum leaf decorating anything and everything kinda style. And I'm only up to the kitchen tips page!!
This week has been pretty good. Monday was job hunting during the day, cooking dinner and then Biblestudy. We had a cake for Jon & Lititia's birthdays. I didn't take a photo though!! It was a square cake with bright green icing, and it had farmyard toys stuck on the top, and the tractor to the side, because it wouldn't fit on the cake... (Jon is an aggie and Lititia is a vettie... the farmyard cake was the most fitting cake for the two of them...). Also on Monday night I cooked (for dinner this time) french-onion chops, cheesy macaroni and broccoli and cauliflower. It was good. And I also cooked a chocolate pudding for Mum and Dad for dessert, but I didn't have any time to consume that, cos I was busy cutting up stuff for Biblestudy supper and packing up Aphrodite, Mickey and Blackie. They went home on Monday night.
Tuesday: Childminding at Wagga Baps in the AM, and in the afternoon, I had a skills test at Workforce on Tap. I scored 100% in beginner Excel, 40% for intermediate and 60% for advanced, and for Word: beginner 86%, intermediate 88% and advanced 38%... Someone want to explain that?? Then after that skills test, I went and bought another five fish (2 comets and 3 "feeder fish") because I got a 48L tank given to me while I was away at MYC, and Chalk and Cheese wouldn't venture out into the "vastness" of their tank, so I got some more fish, and now all 7 fish use the entire tank.
Wednesday: Sonlight at Wagga High - we started planning the ExoDay that is going to happen later this term. Then I went down to Christian Bookworld Wagga and bought a few Gospel tracts, a cool notepad, and Rack Shack and Benny VeggieTales DVD (about the firey furnace... inside the Nezzar Chocolate Bunny factory)... Then came home and watched/listened to the dvd three times... Hehehe... I made dinner again... Shepherd's Pie... And it worked!! The meat was browned (there was a stage that it was reminding me of cat food which reminds me of pate...) and the potatoe on top was cooked to perfection. I also did broccoli, cauliflower and carrots to go with it (fresh veggies!! [we usually have frozen...]) Then we went to the Winkler's place to have cake for Hannah's 13th birthday - Happy Birthday Hannah!! Then came home. Woo.
Thursday: I think I stayed home all day. Yeah. I did. I didn't even venture outside. I cooked dinner again: a sausage and pasta tomato-based bake. It was really yummy. Broccoli and carrots for the veggies again. (I am getting a little sick of broccoli...)
Friday: I spent 12 hours at Wagga Baps. I got there at 9am, did music sorting all day, and then at 7 I transferred my thoughts to CrossOver... We had "Back into the Swing" which was a pizza night. Ham & Pineapple pizza is by far the most popular pizza. I left the Church at about 9.15 - more than ready to go home! It was a good day though. We are pulling all the music (sheet music) out of the horrid folders, putting them into manilla folders (one song per folder), labelling the folders, making sure that there is complete copies of the songs (like, all the pages are there) and writing where the song came from (eg: SIS 390 = Scripture in Song, song number 390) and then making sure that it is all legal in terms of CCLI licencing. It is a long process, but there was quite a bit of it done yesterday.
Today: I slept in. Got up. Read the paper. Read a magazine. Played the piano. Had a shower. Started cleaning my room. Come online.
I am going to go laser zone-ing later on tonight though. 8pm to be exact. A group from UniChurch is going. I'm looking forward to it!
Anyway... I am going to continue reading this ancient magazine (I really don't know why it was on the coffee table, and why it caught my eye...)
There was a new WotW this week too: Oblong. New one out on Monday sometime too.
Listening to: If I Left The Zoo (Jars of Clay)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
MYC 2005: Guidence
How fantastic was MYC 2005??
I really enjoyed the BB5 (Bible By 5) time studying 1 Cor 1-3 (Paul, called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus...) and the night BibleTalks (and the music!) and the Seminar groups were pretty good, even if most of what was talked about went over my head... (I took lots of notes, so I can look back and refresh)... I ordered the night talks on CD, and I'm looking forward to listening to them again...
The five Bibletalks (can't really call them night talks because not all of them were at night...) were on:
- The God Who Guides (Richard Wilson)
- The God Who Guides by Speaking (Paul Sheeley)
- Guidence on Career and Ministry (Richard Wilson)
- Guidence for Church and Relationships (Chris Little)
- Will You Let God Guide? (Chris Little)
The second talk (The God Who Guides by Speaking) bought up an interesting point (to me anyway)... Talking about point #2 "God has Spoken" under dot-point a. "In the past" I have notes saying --> God created everything from speaking [Gen 1-2] ---> Speech is personal. ----> God is a personal God. And then under dot-point ii ("Moses and the Israelites"[Deut 4]) of a. I have the notes v15-16 --> Attraction of idols: something to fix eyes upon. ---> God is a speaking God. God's followers should be listeners, not lookers.
The third talk (Guidence on Career and Ministry) pointed out that the way you work is far more important than the work you do. And whatever work we do, do it for Christ.
The fourth talk (Guidence for Church and Relationships) in the relationships bit, under preference and irrelevence... As long as the ground work (Christian. Godly. Opposite sex. Not married.) is there, then your own preferences (Music tastes. Appearance...) can come into it. BUT only after the groundwork is there and the basics have been fulfilled. Also in that talk, there were some rules for dating (you should have heard the pens scratching as this was being read...)
- Dating is radioactive. --> Unstable. Dating relationships will break down. They are not a permanent state. Either marry the person you are dating, or break it off.
- Dating is 100% about marriage. If you can not see yourself marrying the person you are dating, then you are just lying to them.
- Don't date a non-believer.
- Don't mess up future marriages. 1 Thess 4.
- Love in 4 directions. He love her. She love him. They love God. They love everyone. (Dating not at the expense of your friends.)
- Not dating is not a fairytale. --> Don't get into dreams. Don't let your dreams find your dream guy/girl. Be the ideal girl/guy (1 Tim 4:8). Pray that God will provide for you.
I really enjoyed the time away.
I can not believe how many minutes out of the 4.5ish days were spent playing handball, and just how many people were playing...
I stayed up to midnight (not that midnight is late, but it was the latest I stayed up all week) on Thursday night playing poker (the first time I had ever played poker) and I WON!!! I was very shocked at myself. Okay okay... So I might have had a lot of help... But I still won!! I then got up at six on Sunday morning to beat the shower rush (that then started at 7.15) and I was going to watch the sunrise, but I was too impatient sitting outside in jeans, a shirt (I had a jumper to put on) and two pairs of socks (I couldn't find my ugh boots in the dark, or my gloves) and the concrete was really cold, so I went inside and got a mug of milo (which was cold because I didn't wait for the boiling water to come through...) and sat at a table and read my Bible. That was really rather refreshing. I read Ps 139 (Oh Lord You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise...) followed by 1 Cor 12-14, which is what the upcoming series at UniChurch is going to be on... That looks really interesting (it is on spiritual gifts).
Anyway, any CSU person that didn't go to MYC this year... If you are at all able to go next year, go! The topic will be The Cross of Christ, and it really is a week worth going to, even if it means cutting your holidays a week short.
Hope you are all well and have had a great week...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It may have taken this long...
I think I need a break from face painting.
Only another two days to go!!
Anyway... Listening to Jars of Clay - they are good!! Now I know what people have been saying about them for years is actually true!!! And to think that I could have seen them in concert Jan before last... (even though I would have had to leave Jnr Breakaway early...)
Anyway... I'm rambling... There is a mozzie trying to commit suicide by flying into my lappy screen. My hot water bottle (cos the fire isn't lit tonight) is rather effective on the feet. Or maybe that's the cat...
The fish are still alive. I must remember to make little fish to stick on the hallway walls so that Dad remembers to feed them next week (otherwise it could be disasterous!!)
I bought a new hair clip today. It is kind of pink. I am liking pink at the moment. Like dusty pink, or a bit darker than baby pink. Not hot pink or even bright pink. I draw the line before that...
I also bought a new doona cover on Sunday, from Spotlight, for $5!! But it is only a single doona (I have 3 double doonas and a wool blanket on my single bed... I am going to freeze next week...) ... It is stripey. It has pink in it. But that pink is hot pink. But it is cool because it is stripey.
I am so looking forward to having face paint free finger nails.
The container for the blue paint broke (like, split) sometime between yesterday afternoon and this morning. But I can't be bothered buying another container for it, so it is in a plastic bag and tied up. All of the paints are in plastic bags. I learnt the hard way with the red going through my bag. Yuck. (That was Saturday.)
Anyway... It might be time for Futurama or Family Guy and bed very shortly.
Nighty night to you all.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I now know...
(a) What a group certificate looks like (& what e-tax looks like).
(b) What a parking fine looks like.
Note to self: don't park under the Marketplace for more than 3 hours. Especially when it is overcast/raining. Especially when it is overcast/raining and school holidays.
(And if this posts with different size texts and different coloured texts, I give up!)
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Day One...
It was fun. Even the times that it was a bit slow and boring. My hands are still red even after having a shower...
I thought that Spiderman would be the most popular, but I think I only did about 4 of them, compared to about 15 tigers and about 15 butterflies... The cutest one (even if I may so myself) was this little girl who had ducks on her cheeks... They were gorgeous. (I don't think I want to google images "ducks" again... there is one image of a group of ducks hanging upside down dead.)
I think I did 47 faces in about 5ish hours. I started at 10ish and packed up at 3 because I had only painted three faces since 2pm... And Mum came and helped me pack up... Was all good...
Anyway. I should attempt to sleep, even if I did sleep on the couch for 2.5 hours when I got home...
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Dot-pointed Randomness...
- The fish are still alive!!
- Um...
- My Bible cover is finished!! (Yes, I did sew, and it turned out, and then I did some beading on the front of it... I sewed!!!)
- Um....
- The diamond got replaced in my ring - free - and now it has a lifetime warrantee...
- Um...
- I did some face painting on Naomi & Josh and Hannah & Joe today... I did three spiderman faces between Josh & Joe, and it all worked out well... Mostly, anyway...
- Um...
- I can't think of much else to say... Always good...
Saturday, July 02, 2005
And I am about to lose any respect I had...
And so, to test the paints last night (the red is a homemade recipe, the black is store bought, the white around the eyes that you can't see and some of the red is face painting crayons) I made myself into a Spiderman face. If I can make myself look like that <----- imagine what I could do to a kid who is sitting still!! (It is really rather difficult to paint your own face using only the mirror as a guide... Hence the darker lines on the right side [as you look at the photo] than on the left [which you can't really see]... It isn't easy!!) And how much of a typical pose is that of me?! (It also isn't easy taking photos of yourself in the mirror with a dodgy digital camera...)
So yeah. That's what I am doing for the coming almost-two-weeks. And then I am going to MYC (even though I am not a student...) and coming back and getting a job! (Another one...)
Tonight is Rosie & Andrew's engagement party. That should be really good. I think that is the only thing I am doing today. So that means that I might get out of my jarmies sometime around three-ish... Hehehe.
Um... I could rant about something, but I do not know what to rant about. I suppose that has never stopped me from ranting before. But I won't now. I can't be bothered.
I don't think I have a whole lot to say.
The fish are still alive. That's something important to say.
And that will do.