Saturday, July 23, 2005

MYC 2005: Guidence

How fantastic was MYC 2005??

I really enjoyed the BB5 (Bible By 5) time studying 1 Cor 1-3 (Paul, called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus...) and the night BibleTalks (and the music!) and the Seminar groups were pretty good, even if most of what was talked about went over my head... (I took lots of notes, so I can look back and refresh)... I ordered the night talks on CD, and I'm looking forward to listening to them again...

The five Bibletalks (can't really call them night talks because not all of them were at night...) were on:

The second talk (The God Who Guides by Speaking) bought up an interesting point (to me anyway)... Talking about point #2 "God has Spoken" under dot-point a. "In the past" I have notes saying --> God created everything from speaking [Gen 1-2] ---> Speech is personal. ----> God is a personal God. And then under dot-point ii ("Moses and the Israelites"[Deut 4]) of a. I have the notes v15-16 --> Attraction of idols: something to fix eyes upon. ---> God is a speaking God. God's followers should be listeners, not lookers.

The third talk (Guidence on Career and Ministry) pointed out that the way you work is far more important than the work you do. And whatever work we do, do it for Christ.

The fourth talk (Guidence for Church and Relationships) in the relationships bit, under preference and irrelevence... As long as the ground work (Christian. Godly. Opposite sex. Not married.) is there, then your own preferences (Music tastes. Appearance...) can come into it. BUT only after the groundwork is there and the basics have been fulfilled. Also in that talk, there were some rules for dating (you should have heard the pens scratching as this was being read...)

  1. Dating is radioactive. --> Unstable. Dating relationships will break down. They are not a permanent state. Either marry the person you are dating, or break it off.
  2. Dating is 100% about marriage. If you can not see yourself marrying the person you are dating, then you are just lying to them.
  3. Don't date a non-believer.
  4. Don't mess up future marriages. 1 Thess 4.
  5. Love in 4 directions. He love her. She love him. They love God. They love everyone. (Dating not at the expense of your friends.)
  6. Not dating is not a fairytale. --> Don't get into dreams. Don't let your dreams find your dream guy/girl. Be the ideal girl/guy (1 Tim 4:8). Pray that God will provide for you.

I really enjoyed the time away.

I can not believe how many minutes out of the 4.5ish days were spent playing handball, and just how many people were playing...

I stayed up to midnight (not that midnight is late, but it was the latest I stayed up all week) on Thursday night playing poker (the first time I had ever played poker) and I WON!!! I was very shocked at myself. Okay okay... So I might have had a lot of help... But I still won!! I then got up at six on Sunday morning to beat the shower rush (that then started at 7.15) and I was going to watch the sunrise, but I was too impatient sitting outside in jeans, a shirt (I had a jumper to put on) and two pairs of socks (I couldn't find my ugh boots in the dark, or my gloves) and the concrete was really cold, so I went inside and got a mug of milo (which was cold because I didn't wait for the boiling water to come through...) and sat at a table and read my Bible. That was really rather refreshing. I read Ps 139 (Oh Lord You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit and when I rise...) followed by 1 Cor 12-14, which is what the upcoming series at UniChurch is going to be on... That looks really interesting (it is on spiritual gifts).

Anyway, any CSU person that didn't go to MYC this year... If you are at all able to go next year, go! The topic will be The Cross of Christ, and it really is a week worth going to, even if it means cutting your holidays a week short.

Hope you are all well and have had a great week...

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