Monday, August 01, 2005


Hey people.

It's Monday. That means that there is a new WotW today. I have no idea what it is, because it isn't up on the blog yet, but I am sure that when Sam does read this in an email that he will blog the word. Until then, you will have to sit on the edge of your seats in suspense. (Maybe. If you hold the WotWs in as high a regard as I do.) I should find out the word tonight, but that won't stop me commenting later on.

Anyway, dinner is ready (I did cook most of it, so I should realise that it is ready).

Have a good day. :)

Sorry to anyone who saw that comment from a dodgy source.

If I don't know you, or know of you, or if you say something dodgy, or leave dodgy links, I'll delete the comment. Easy.

And please don't re-comment if I delete it. I do get notified when someone comments.
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