Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I really should be updating more regularly...


Well... I can't remember what the last update said, so here goes...

I got a new car. Holden Astra TS 2003 model. Silver, manual hatch. It is really nice! It doesn't have a name yet though. I need your opinion: Edna or Dora.

I got a transfer. Now working at Tolland on Mon-Thurs and Turvey in the Webster Room on Fridays. I no longer have to work on Saturdays! Brilliant!!

I got a new CD last Thursday. The new Emu Live 2. I already know most of the words... Opps!! My new car has a CD player, so that is where that CD has lived!

The past couple of weeks have had brilliant Word of the Weeks... My favourite has been Handbag. This week, there is no Word of the Week. It is the Word of the Year!! But I don't know what it is...

There is only two weeks left of Biblestudy for 2005... And then next year we all get put into different groups!! We had our last "complete" Biblestudy this past Monday night... There was quite a few people not there, but oh well. We had a party (at Sam's suggestion) and we played Pin the Tail on the Donkey (or stick the sticker onto Naomi's wall) and wore party hats and/or masks.

Saturday night was CF End of Year Dinner... It was great! My camera took lots of photos... I finished off and presented the "Year in Review" photo presentation... I found out about it at about 9 on the Friday night, left Amy's place at 1.10am Sat, went home, did more work on it, woke up at 8.10 on Sat morning, did more work on it, went to a Hen's Party at 11 and was really unsocialible and did more work on it there (that's where Sonja looked over it and gave it the okay) and then went home a fixed a few gliches. THEN when I got to the Commercial Club (I was there early to set up the projector etc) I realised that I hadn't fixed all the gliches, so I did some more there! Everyone else enjoyed it, I kept criticising it... Oh well... If I do it again next year, I want to give myself more time! And more material to work with!

Um... Other than that, there isn't a whole lot more to say. Bit boring really. I have been really busy, but doing not a whole lot that stands out...

Have a good *insert time period here* until I next post...

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