Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Australian's all let us rejoice...

Happy post-Australia day to you all... I had a really good day to celebrate being an Aussie, and I really enjoyed myself, so I am going to tell you all about it (also the fact that Granny Be told me I have to update...)

Started off going for a river float with my parent's and their some of Biblestudy group and a couple of extras... Went from Wagga Beach Rocks to Warradjuri (spelling?)... Then I went to Bolton Park to watch the end of the UniChurch cricket game. Team B won. I got to add up their runs, and as I was doing so, I got bitten by a green ant on my knee... That was rather painful... Made me feel a bit ill too. Went to KFC and got some take-away lunch and then headed back to Wagga Beach for a picnic lunch (hence the KFC) and then went for a dip at the beach before heading back up to the rocks to get in for another float... That was after following a few of the UniChurch guys carrying a kids' inflatable paddling pool up the very rocky and painful path... I had the water hammock... Was very relaxing, and they didn't try and chuck me out. Got out at the beach, and headed straight back to the rocks for another float... Did that a few more times too... The last time we had the kids' pool, and after re-blowing it up at the rocks, I slipped as I was getting in, and skinned all the back of my right ankle... By the time I got down to the beach, there was blood all over my foot, and then when I got to my towel, there was dirt all over it too... Went to wash it off, went back to where the group was, and there was dirt all over it again... Argh! Gave up. Sat and talked to a few people (can't remember who was on the other side of the table, so I won't mention any names, just to be on the safe side) and then we decided to pack up and to head to Estella to either watch the cricket at Jon's or to watch movie's at Sonja's. I went via Coles with Viv to Jon's place (they wanted food to watch the cricket with)... Dropped Viv off, rocked up to Jon's, handed over the food. Every head in the room turned to look at me with expressions of "You are female. What are you doing here to watch cricket?" so I decided that instead of staying and most likely being bagged out or picked on or whatever, that I would go to Sonja's and watch movies with the girls. So I went around to Sonja's, and there was no-one else there, so I took the very looong way home (so I could listen out for Sam on jjj hotest 100) and had a sleep (once I got home... not on the drive home...) Then I went to a Riverina Christian Convention Kids (RCC Kids) meeting at the Lister's.

Then last weekend, (as in the one just been) I went to Tumut for RCC Kids... It was fantastic!! We had a theme of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe... Jane's secret for the weekend was "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is all about Jesus." - Great way for the kids to grasp the whole concept of the program... Jane was directing this year (she did last year too, but I didn't go last year) and I am directing next year... I am planning on brainstorming for the next 3-4 months about a theme, and then going from there to write the program/come up with crafts/games/memory verses... Talking about memory verses... I presented the Sunday morning memory verse... 2 Cor 5:17 (Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come.)... I did each word on a piece of a purple catapillar (Mum and I were sick of cutting out circles when we finished making the catapillar) and the front one had antlers and eyes and then I got the kids to find which one had the fullstop, and then asked them where it might come in the verse, and they were able to tell me that it came at the end of the sentence (these kids were as young as 4 [Toby] and went up to yr 2)... I didn't notice until afterwards that there would have been two words with fullstops attached... They got the right one anyway... Then I handed them each a circle of catapillar and then we put it all in order, and the reference was on a red butterfly... I took a photo of the finished verse, but I haven't downloaded it yet.

Um. Other stuff that has been happening/is going to happen...

-I have a job interview tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4pm for a receptionist position at a local law firm.
-Sam came back into town on Sunday. I am spelling my name with a capital "Q" this year. (Ask Sam.)
-Rosie and Andrew get married this Saturday... I still haven't finished their present yet... Must get to that...
-Other stuff too, but I can't say anything yet, cos I don't know that the other people involved know that it is happening.

Yeah... I think that's about it. My knees are cramping up.

Was this a long enough update for you, Granny Be?

Wow, nice update Qylie. I want to see a photo of the memory verse, sounds cool.
I'm always going to remind you to update your blog, hahaha.
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