Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Yes its another Quiz
Copy & paste and keep YOURSELF busy, thank you.
1. Honestly, are you happy right now? Kinda… Feeling rather stressed.
2. Honestly, what color is your underwear? Pale pink.
3. Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? Lots of things that I can’t share, but yeah… Fear.
4. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Filling this in, and kinda talking to Benita.
5. Honestly, what did you do today? Um.. Slept? Kind of anyway. Attempted to.
6. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? I don’t know the person I got this off.
7. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Um… Possibly, but it was something that had to be said/done.
8. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? That’s on pay tv right? Nope.
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? I don’t know… I don’t think so.
10. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? Being surrounded by friends.
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? Sometimes, but I am learning (slowly) to let my nails grow, they look better than chewed nails.
12. Honestly, what is your mood right now? Stressed.
13. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? Not really, just don’t eat regularly.
14. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? Yes. I seriously need a real hug.
15. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? Um… I suppose I do, I wouldn’t call it a “deep dark secret” though.
16. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? Not hate per-say, but a strong dislike. Fear does that to you.
17. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? Anyone!
18. Honestly, are you loyal? I would like to think so, and if people think that I’m not, I would like to think that they would tell me.
19. Honestly are you in denial? Am I? I don’t know.
20. Are you getting sick of these “Honestly” questions? Honestly, yes.
21. Honestly, have you ever consumed alcohol? Yes.
22. Honestly, do you like someone? Yes.
23. Honestly, does anyone like you? I am getting the impression that yes, but I don’t like them.
24. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them? Not with that person.
25. Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly? Yes.
1. Person that slept in bed beside you? I have no idea.
2. Saw you cry?
3. You went to the mall with? Um, Maybe Anna and Scott, or perhaps Charmain.
4. You went out to dinner with? Anna and Scott.
5. You talked on the phone? Steve.
6. Broke your heart? Ah… Let’s not answer that one hey…
7. Made you laugh? I haven’t seriously laughed for a while.
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Nose, but neither.
2. Be serious or be funny? Depends on the context.
3. Drink whole or skim milk? I don’t drink milk straight.
4. Die in a fire or drown? Quickly. Either way.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents.
1. Simple or complicated? Not sure, but I was told that I was too overly-organised the other day. By someone who drives me insane by their disorganisation.
2. Gay? No.
3. Hardcore? Nope.
1. Flowers or candy? Either, but flowers are nicer, and healthier.
2. Grey or black? Depends. Grey is very bland, so usually black.
3. Color or Black and white photos? I like taking both, and looking at both.
6. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles, but M&Ms have their place too.
7. Staying up late or waking up early? I like it when I wake up early and stay awake, but it doesn’t happen because I stay up late too often.
1. Do you like anyone? Yeah. We have already established that.
2. Do they know it? Possibly…
1. Sun or moon? Both. Sun because it is day, moon because it is generally night. Both have their good points.
2. Winter or Fall? Winter, because it is my birthday in Winter.
3. Left or right? Right.
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Um… Two best friends.
5. Sun or rain? Sun showers are nice on occasion, but generally sun, as long as it isn’t too hot.
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla with chocolate topping or chocolate with Smarties or M&Ms.
7. Boys or girls? Boys. *Girly giggle* *Rolls eyes*
1. What time is it? 10.55pm
2. Name? Kylie
3. Nickname(s): Kylz,
4. Where were you born? Bowral.
5. What is your birthdate? June 87.
6. What do you want? A life long partner.
7. Where do you want to live?
1. Nervous Habits? Nail bitting, stressing.
2. Are you double jointed? Nope.
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yep.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Not sure.
5. Can you cross your eyes? Yep.
6. Do you make your bed daily? Haha… Yeah right.
1. Which shoe goes on first? Generally left.
2. Ever thrown something at someone? Yes!!
3. On average how much money do you carry with you? At the moment? $2.50
4. What jewellery do you wear? Um… Well, at the moment I am wearing a watch, a necklace from my sister, earrings (studs) also from my sister, and the diamond ring I got for my 18th from my grandparents.
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Attempted twirl.
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? No, but I have heard that it is really gross, and so don’t wish to try it.
3. Favourite ice cream: I always get peppermint choc-chip.
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? One I think. I don’t eat cereal unless I’m at camp.
5. What's your favourite beverage? Juice and water.
6. Do you cook? Yep!
---10 Firsts---
First Best Friend:Amanda.
First Screenname: Kylie.
First Pet Name: ?
First Piercing: Ears.
First Crush: Let’s not go there either.
First CD: No idea.
First House Location: Moss Vale.
First Kiss: Sweet 18 never been kissed!
First Car: Filly the Colt. (Mit. Colt)
---9 Lasts---
Last Time You Smoked: I haven’t.
Last Food You Ate: Steak.
Last Car Ride: My car.
Last Movie You Watched: Um. Love Actually. I really do not like that movie.
Last Phone Call: Steve this morning.
Last CD You Listened To: The Corrs – In Blue.
Last Bubble Bath You Took: Friday.
Last Song You Listened To: Forgiven Not Forgotten is playing at the moment.
Last Words You Said: “Mmmm”
--8 Have-You-Evers---
Dated A Best Friend: Nope.
Been Arrested: Nope.
Been On TV: I think I might have. I’m not sure.
Eaten Sushi: Nope. People tried to convince me to on the Yr 11 Sydney trip, but I refused.
Cheated On Your B/F or G/F: Nope.
Been On A Blind Date: Nope.
Been Out Of The Country: Yep.
Been In Love: Nope.
---7 Things You Are Wearing---
1: Yr 10
2: Singlet top.
3: ¾ jeans.
4: Doona.
5: Underwear.
6: Um… Necklace.
7: Earrings.
---6 Things You've Done Today---
1: Had a shower.
2: Got dressed.
3: Had a sleep.
4: Watched TV.
5: MSN-ed
6: Needed a Hug
---5 Favourite Things (not in any order)---
1: People
2: Internet
3: Friends.
4: Hugs
5: Um… No idea…
---People You Most Trust (in no order)---
My Family
Friends from Biblestudy last year.
Most other friends.
---2 Choices---
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate generally.
Hugs or Kisses: Hugs.
--1 Person You Want To See Right Now---
1: Someone who gives really good hugs.