Friday, September 22, 2006

So long...

My goodness... I hadn't realised how long it has been... My bad...

I am kinda getting a bit sick of "this is what I did" type posts, but can't really think of anything to rave about, so it is going to be somewhat of an update...

I have pernament work... I am working at a doctor's surgery (can't say which one cos then it will come up in a google) as a medical receptionist... 5 days a week, full time... Very busy and very full-on, and very enjoyable.

Still at Wagga Baps... This weekend is the grande opening of the extensions... They have built on a new hall with various rooms, and a new kitchen!! (Very amazing and exciting considering the old kitchen... Tonight after youth group we were exclaiming how aweful the old fridge looks in the new kitchen, where as in the old kitchen it looked right at home...)

Still at UniChurch too... Am quite over uni holidays at the moment... Only one more week to go... Can't wait for Biblestudy to start again... We are studying the book of James... I have been trying to avoid it during my quiet times, but I finished 2 Tim last night, so I am not sure where to go tonight...

I injured my shoulder about a month ago... I can't play indoor netball for another month (hey! we won medals in the last season!!) and can't do anything like go-karting (I have had two opportunities to) for atleast another 2 months... The risk of re-injury is too high... And my boss doesn't want to give me another cortisone injection because I "am so young!" "Shouldn't be having to have injections for pain!" Anyway...

Um... That's about it in really brief news... I am babysitting tomorrow morning, so I should get a shuffle on to bed... Night!

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